Divcap: Dive Into Sleep
Insomnia is a common sleep problem for adults. To solve this, I developed Divcap, a wearable device that can track people's data throughout the day and then treat people with sleep disorders through auditory and olfactory feedback based on people's daytime condition. After learning about shape-changing fabrics in the Center for Digital Innovation at Tongji University as an intern, I have a vision for the future of this product in the form of fabric.
My initial interest in sleep started in December 2019. This project was completed in June 2020. In July 2021, when I was an intern at BrainCo, I have done the preliminary product design about sleep. In January 2022, I also designed an inflatable pajama that can change a user's dreams through tactile feedback for MIT Media Lab.
Open Source
Daytime condition tracking program: https://github.com/w1200508/Facial-Expression-Recognition
Self-Driven Research Project
Zhanling Feng (graduated from RCA IDE)
1. China National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project
2. 2020 China-US Young Maker Competition Finalist
Divcap: A Smart Nightcap that Promotes Sleep through the Five Senses
My Skills
Sleep science & Shape-changing material research
Tangible prototype making
Electronic design (Arduino)
Sleep Research
The most fascinating aspect of sleep is that it’s highly connected to almost every aspect of our waking lives and everyone’s sleep needs, patterns, and influences are highly individualized. This matters because it means that the best way to better rest and recover through sleep science is an awareness of how sleep impacts our moods and feelings and health and how our lives in return - impact the way we sleep.
However, insomnia is a common problem for adults.
30% of the general population complains of sleep disruption.
10% have associated symptoms of daytime functional impairment consistent with the diagnosis of insomnia.
The National Institutes of Health estimates.

Facts influence people's daily routine
Sleep & Dream Projects