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Design for Extreme Environments

In the spring semester of 2022, I took the RISD Advanced Studio course: Design for Extreme Environments taught by Michael Lye.

Project 1: Inforgraphic

Human Variation 

The measuring of the physical human body is termed anthropometry and is an important part of human factors. In the class, we did some basic measurements, looking at just a few aspects of the variability of humans.

I found thirteen people to measure ten kinds of body data, compared these data with the 2012 U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, and made the Percentile data visualization on the right.

The circle in the middle stands for "1st", and the "100th" on the outside. The gray dotted circle in the middle represents the 50th, meaning the highest number of people within the area (the most common). The color note in the lower-left corner indicates that thirteen different gray colors representing different people in each interval. If each interval has the same grayscale, it represents the same person.

Body data visualization
Project 2: Pod


What volume does a person need to be comfortable? How small a space is big enough? What else is needed to safely occupy a small space comfortably? In this project, my team constructed our very own “space pod.” Using cardboard, we built a small, one-person volume where we can work or stay comfortably for a long period.

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Project 3: Spacecraft Ascent

Spaceship Ascent Module 

The mission is to design an 8-person crew ascent module for the SpaceX Starship to lift off from Mars and embark on an 18-hour to 1-week mission to rendezvous with a return spacecraft en route to Earth. I mainly designed the seat and the monitor. Through the project, I used research, interviews, observations, and role-playing to get closer to the concept of a spacecraft ascent module as well as its components' scale and positions. After this project, I am equipped with the concept of anthropometrics in the design of human-related products. Furthermore, I have experience in building a large 1-to-1 model.


Page last updated on 27 May 2022

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